sudo curl -L https://down.load/file -o here
NOTE, that cache does not take memory from apps.
free -wh
Unpack compressed tar gz files
tar xfv ../Downloads/zulu8.40.0.25-ca-jdk8.0.222-linux_x64.tar.gz
unzip netbeans.zip
unzip -l netbeans.zip // list files
unzip netbeans.zip -d specific-dir/ // extract to dir specific dir
zip -r -0 -s 900m archive-0.zip folder-to-archive/ // split zip each 900MB; just archive no compress; recursivly.
Copy all files with file-*
to current folder. verbose on.
cp -v folder/file-* .
Copy files multible times
for i in {1..100}; do cp free.ogg "free$i.ogg"; done
Display free disk space; human readable; max depth
df -h .
du -h --max-depth=1 /home/
arp // list MAC adress to IP adress
cat /var/dhcp.leases // show IP adress, hostname, MAC adress
nmap -v ip.adress // fast simple scan for default ports
sudo service dnsmasq restart // restart dnsmasq: DCHP server (usually this is installed on openwrt)
dmesg // display kernel ring buffer (data structure of messages operated by kernel)
Create and remove symbolic links.
ln -s zulu8.40.0.25-ca-jdk8.0.222-linux_x64 jdk
rm jdk // remove symbolic link
You need a imagemagick
tool for this command.
convert -resize 25% screenshot.png screenshot.png
Find files named *.md
in or below the directory development/
with max depth 2
find development/ -maxdepth 2 -name *README.md -type f -print
The command lshw
should be installed by default.
With lshw
you can list cpu, memory or all system information in console, as json or html.
List memory only.
sudo lshw -C memory
description: System Memory
physical id: 1
slot: System board or motherboard
size: 16GiB
List systen information: machine, cpu, battery, ...
inxi -Fxz
# Battery: ID-1: BAT0 charge: 42.4 Wh condition: 53.3/57.0 Wh (93%) status: Not charging
List all with format html.
sudo lshw -html > specs.html
Use autoremove on ubuntu to remove old packages, kernel, ...
sudo apt-get autoremove
You can also clean apt chache
sudo du -sh /var/cache/apt
sudo apt-get autoclean
Clear systemd journal logs older then 3 days
journalctl --disk-usage
sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=3d
Remove snap older versions
du -h /var/lib/snapd/snaps
# Removes old revisions of snaps
set -eu
snap list --all | awk '/disabled/{print $1, $3}' |
while read snapname revision; do
snap remove "$snapname" --revision="$revision"
If you want to use a UI then stacer is a good tool
The snap-store
under linux using ~ 500MB. As an alternative you can use gnome-software
sudo snap remove snap-store && sudo apt install gnome-software
Calculate the battery capacity with energy_full values: 56760000 / 57020000 * 100 = 99.5%
cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/energy_full
cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/energy_full_design
Tools like tlp
or tlp-stat --battery
could also be useful for battery management or stats.