Security | Cryptography
- Who are you?
- Methods: Login form, HTTP authentication, X.509 certificates, HTTP digest, ...
- What can i do?
- Methods: Access control for URLs, Secure objects and methods, Access control lists (ACLs)
- Types: Role-, Claims-, Policy-based authorization
SiteMinder, Single Sign-On
- SSO is a solution that allows a user to authenticate once and gain access to all applications/resources supported by the SSO, without having to sign in separately to each application/resource.
- with a SiteMinder Web Agent a client request is intercepted
- Web Agent is a filter on the web server
- is the request path (resource) is protected then the request goes to Policy Server
- the Policy Server needs the credentials (username / password) to gave access
- why use SSO / SiteMinder?
- it acts as a single point of truth
- otherwise the user has to login each per system (ex. apache web server, IIS windows server, ...)
- CA Single Sign-On (formerly CA SiteMinder)
- CA SiteMinder Policy Server
- CA SiteMinder authentication provider
HTTP authentication schemas
- Basic: uses the easily reversible Base64 encoding instead of hashing
- Digest: applies a hash function to the username and password before sending them over the network
- Bearer / OAuth
- Token based authentication
- is complementary to and distinct from ODIC
- ODIC and OAuth are often used together
- OAuth act as the authorization layer
- NTLM NT LAN Manager authentication is a challenge-response scheme. NTLM uses Windows credentials to transform the challenge data.
API Keys
- access REST api with a key (no user required)
- JSON Web Token: is an encrypted JSON (format)
- typicalls used with Bearer auth.
- OpenID Connect
- OIDC providing the user authentication layer
Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA)
- The current Windows user information on the client computer is used by the browser.
- is a computer-network authentication protocol
- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol is a standard application protocol
- sharing of information on users, systems, networks, services, and applications
- LDAP authentication is the process of validating a username and password with a directory service using the LDAP protocol.
- encryption / ciphering / encoding
- we need encryption when ever we send information over unsafe networks.
- main target of cryptography
- Confidentiality: only authorized person can read protected information
- Authentication: you talk to the right person. you can trust.
- Integrity: the message hasnt been changed
- encrypt a plaintext with a key and algorithm:
plaintext -> chiphertext
- a one-way function / fingerprint
- used e.g. for passwords. the hash of it is stored then stored.
example: python MD5
>>> hashlib.md5(b'bob').hexdigest()
>>> hashlib.md5(b'bob').hexdigest()
symmetric / asymmetric encryption
- symmetric encryption (algorithms): only one key for encryption and decryption
- problem: both user has to know the key
- asymmetric encryption / public key cryptography : key pair (private key and public key)
- the information can decrypted with private key
- encryption with public key
certificates: encrypted connections
For an secure connection between two nodes (e.g. client / server) we can use TLS (SSL). In order to accomblish this we need a few artifacts.
First of all we need a SSL certificate.
Signed certificate: In order to obtain a signed SSL certificate we can create a private key and a CSR with OpenSSL.
With the key file we create the CSR. And with the CSR in turn we can request a signed digital certificate from an CA.
For the key generation you can use a common public-key cryptosystem provided in OpenSSL.
Self-signed certificate is the counterpart of the CA signed certificate.
Here you just create your private key and your certificate. And use it for secure connection.
- private key file
- CSR: Certificate Signing Request
- CA: certificate authority