This document gives an overview about nvim. The concepts here are also applicable for vim and partially for vi. But I will mostly focus on nvim. But to keep it short and generall i will use vim.
Originally there was vi
, then vim
came and finally neovim aka. nvim
Why am I using in some cases vim?
Basically vim is installed by default on linux and mac - it's everywhere. So whenever we login to a machine we can start wird text editing. My other main reason is that in vim I am more focused. Especially that I not need a mouse and completely navigate via keyboard. This is the so called vim motion. And it's fast.
For me an alternative editor to vim (but with UI) are:
I used that editor's in the past to edit files from various formats. But none of them are fast as vim.
Another thing is that i usually done a lot of things in console
. The reason for that are various.
One more thing is when editing text in any kind of program we navigate using usually with arrow keys. Pressing it several times.
Instead of hitting arrow keys several times we can invest time in vim shortcut's like dw
- delete word right from cursor.
Now as mentioned vim is by default installed on your machine or server.
By hitting vim
in console you are ready to code.
Vim has by default vim has a file explorer netrw
When enriching with plugins it can even more.
You can even attach a language server (protocoll) so that code completion is possible. But in such cases i use IDE's like intellij
or eclipse
To keep the dependency less I used minimum plugins. The plugins should work for both vim
and nvim
The default vim is enough for editing text but with few plugins and colorscheme vim is more enriched.
Here I give the main plugins I use:
- with this plugin you can filter files in your current working directy. So we can navigate fast in our current working directory.lualine
- give you a good overview in status line. Like which vim mode or git branchnvim-treesitter
- parses your text as tree and gives you syntax highlighting.To install the plugins I use nvim packer
A short note here. vim
works with .vim
files nvim
can also understand .lua
So when configuring nvim
i prefer .lua
Git repository: https://github.com/leventarican/nvim-config
i insert mode
ESC normal mode
v visual mode: mark
hjkl left,down,up,right - for arrow keys you can remap in .vimrc
w next word (or SHIFT+arrow-right)
b back next word (or SHIFT+arrow-left)
0 jump to begin of line
CTRL+$ jump to end of line
u undo change
dw delete word right
db delete word left
gg jump to top file
SHIFT+gg jump bottom file
CTRL+ww change windows: tab, split, etc.
# in visual mode
SHIFT+v mark lines
STRG+v mark vertikal
# in normal mode
cc copy line
p pase line
dd delete/cut line
y copy
yy copy line
# command mode with <:>
tab completion menu :+tab (iterate pressing tab)
# clipboard: extern clipboard support can be an issue.
# in case not working install xclib on linux
# sudo apt-get install xclip
# and set clipboard settings in your vim lua script
# vim.opt.clipboard:append("unnamedplus")
SHIFT+CTRL+v paste; works on some terminals
:tabnew create new tab
:tabclose close current tab
gt navigate between tabs
# telescope (plugin)
CTRL+f open file finder. Shortcut is manually remapped
CTRL+v open file in vertical split
CTRL+t open file in tab
# file explorer buildin: netrw
t open file in tab window
:E close window or manually remap to CTRL+e
% create new file
d create new directory
D delete file
u directory up